January 30, 2009

Happy Golden Ox Year!

Hope I'm not too late to greet this season.

Anyway, Javier is now down with a flu due to teething...
The 4th teeth is coming out soon.
Diarrheoa, flu & vomiting... Crankiness.
So many things to do...


Chloe, my niece.

Look at the 2 babies, 4 months difference... Javier is the youngest, yet he's bigger in size.
Both just can't stop moving, hence the blurr photo.


Family Portrait...

My sauve Javier.

Me and my prince!

2nd outfit of the day...

Fairprice Pull-up pants does not have good absorben...
Only suitable for toddlers who is learning toilet training.

Kian How playing with Chloe

Kian Liong & me with Louis trying to peek-a-boo

Javier had some fun with himself.

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