December 03, 2009

I do not want somebody who just care about himself and neglect all my feelings.

It was like being with someone who does not really love you.

Now, I am thinking if there is a need for sepration...
I does not want to sleep together with someone who does not treat the wife with respect and TLC...

Past Few Weeks

Since a week before my birthday, Javier had been sick due to viral fever, diarrhea upon recovery and now another episode of flu..

I was totally worn out and my patience for him went totally out of control, I vent my frustration on him by saying something to hurt him. I was in the midst of going berserk and I simply broke down and ignore him.

I could not control myself. Hence, it is better off to ignore him, if not I cannot imagine what I would do. Probably killed him with my own hands.

During the past few weeks, I had once mentally broke down and I totally ignored my family. I did not know why. As I said I need to unleash my desperate spirits. Everything said had gone into the drain.

Nobody actually know what I wanted or what I had request.. There is no way in fulfilling my dreams...

Now, I am back to reality and no longer habour hope on him anymore.

Totally, disappointed this time.

i am not the perfect mother in this world, but I am trying and learning to be a better and more mature one..