December 29, 2008


I'm such a sinner!

Can you imagine I such a foolish mother, who doesn't really put my son's health on the 1st priority???

I gave him watermelon last friday, then he started coughing...
It was all my damn fault... Sigh.......
I'm sorry darling, to cause you so much discomfort..
Speedy recovery alright???

Sorry for not being updating frequently... Am a lazy blogger...

December 18, 2008

Damn... What is wrong with you??? I can't upload the pictures...
You stupid blogger!

Daddy Mommy Out Of Town / Home to myself...

During the days when dad and mom were out of town, i had the house to myself...
I had to carry out household chores myself and of course cooking, etc.
I just can't make myself stay at home...
Been going out almost everyday.
Can someone just put a gun at my head and shot me off... Let me die please...
Haven't been blogging for 2 weeks... Was very busy with what? Household chores...
Because my parents are out of town to Taiwan....
The gifts i received, shall be post someday after I'm back from my Holiday...
Had been cooking dinner for my dear family for the past 3 days... Am so tireddddddd.......

I haven't forget about you totally... Our past had been flashing back in my mind ever since your return... I was looking forward for your return, but it turn out to be awkward when we met.
Let us loosen up our hand and free ourselves. We can never turn back the time. It has been years... Time to let go.

Emo......... Regrets............. Resentment.........
Please help me to get rid of this...

I haven't been myself... I've totally forgotten who am I...........

December 03, 2008

No wonder...

Marking his 6 months old yesterday.

Little did I wonder why Javier was so cranky and unwell on monday. Javier this morning put my finger into his mouth and I found out his first teeth had erupted.