September 23, 2009

I've recently just enrolled Javier into Kinderland Childcare Centre...
He will start schooling on 4th Jan 2010... Though it is quite costly and somehow inconvenient where I need to travel extra mile, I think it is worthwhile...
I'm still thinking how to balance with work... Quite nervous 1...

Hopefully, I'll get a job that I like on Jan next yr.. Many others childcare are either full or not up my standard...

Hence, I'm giving the best for him...

Last weekend, we manage to get some fresh air while Dylan was still having his afternoon nap.
Hubby gotten me W995, but now he is demanding back this phone, because it is new, and I'm always giving in! I really don't like it lor... Everytime, I must use old phone... ^%&^$@##&%^*&

Yesterday, we went swimming..
The moment we step into the swimming complex, I can sense that Javier was so excited.
Ever since the Ghost festival started, we banned swimming activities..
Javier made gret progress in swimming.
He can actually go swimming himself and diving...
When we helped him up, he was actually laughing.
So much fun he had..

My ears are so pain... Listening to his nonsense... I really want to have some peace, I like to be alone at home, especially when he is at work... Nobody will nag nag nag...

Javier is in love with Elmo... He knows that Elmo loves him, so he is always willing to wear the clothes that have Elmo printing on it...

Everyday, he will bring me his Lego Bag, and ask me to Open (penn -> this is how he prononce...) So amazed by his moves...

I'm so happy to see him grow up everyday... He brighten up my boring life...

Say no more... Shall update some photo soon...

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