September 10, 2009

Finally feel like blogging, I know my blog had been rotting for damn long time...

Past few months, I had been going to work when Nicholas is off.. Therefore, my life became a routine...
Work -> Home -> Take Care Javier -> Play with me ( This makes me felt like I've neglected him a lot)
Hence, when I'm not working, I'll spend quality time with him...

This month, my sis is starting to work for the mooncake production in the weekend and I'll be baby sitting Dylan, the tyrant... =/

Now I'm freaking pissed off, somebody at home(you know who you are), used my computer and got virus... My computer is hanged whenever I switch on.

So right now, that somebody is not happy with me using his laptop...

I'm need a PC badly and you are freaking broke to provide me one! So stop your nonsense!

I am in a very bad mood today. So do not provoke me further!!! (Understand, unless you don't know English!)

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