January 17, 2009

I charge them FOC

Went for training yesterday...
It was quite a nice job but too bad, have to take in all the 2nd hand smoke...
It was not very crowded..
Still I've given up this job..
Hence I wasn't paid for yesterday's on job training.
I want to cherish my health because of my family...
Though it is $9/hour, I still think that it wasn't worthy..

I worry that what if in the future I am to diagnosed with lung cancer..
The thinking is seriously making me feeling very uncomfortable...
Javier is still very young, he needs me to be with him.
My parents and Nicholas will feel heartache seeing me falling sick.
It is not just a torture to me, but more to them.

I don't think I've lose something, however I gained something...
Which I can be happy.
Money can't buy you happiness & health...

It cost a lot when you fall sick.

For the moment, I'll still keep on looking for part-time jobs.
Any intro???
Economy is bad... Real bad.. Hopefully I can get 1...

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